Welcome To
Don't you just love ISP's that promised you the moon, charged you way the heck too
much and then went belly-up without so much as a "by your leave" just about the time
that you really needed them to be stable?
Having our ISP's go down the drain and take our e-mail arrangements with them
ticked us off (read "infuriated us") just one time too many. We finally
decided that we have had enough.
Because 123ehost.com has some very
attractive e-mail options, we decided to step into the (Gulp) scary world of
setting up our own web site.
This web site was born in March, 2002 as our first stab at trying to control our
own e-mail destiny. So far it has worked out fairly well for its intended purpose.
We haven't really been able to update it as often as we would like, but we still
intend to explore a few areas of more than passing interest and post some nice
rainbow related articles and artwork along the way.
We are always looking for rainbow related articles, artwork, pictures, and so on.
If you would like to help us improve this admittedly hokey home page and submit
some work for consideration, just e-mail it, along with valid return contact
information, to the e-mail address below.
We don't want to load our visitors down with a lot of javascript, cookies, and
such, so please keep this in mind.
All work submitted must be donated for nonexclusive use (we can't afford to pay
for anything, including royalties, right now!). Credit will be given to the
authors with a notation that their work is being used by permission, and,
of course, they keep their intellectual property rights unless they choose
to donate those as well. If you donate some work that is meant to be
authoritatative, please make sure you check your facts and sources.
If you don't, we're sure that some enterprising visitor (probably some really
smart twelve year old school kid) out there will find the mistakes and
gleefully point them out. Oh! The Ignominy! Editing *will* be
performed if it becomes necessary.
Donations will not qualify you for any tax breaks, but you will have the
satisfaction of knowing that you donated to what we hope will be a worthwhile
web site.
Hopefully, at some point in the not very distant future, we might have something
here that school children might want to visit as a resource for their school
work and that their parents can trust as safe.
We used to have an interactive PHP driven guestbook. Unfortunately,
spammers just wouldn't leave it alone and that forced us to take it
down. So, instead of having an interactive guestbook, if you have
some comments or suggestions that you would have posted in the
guestbook we would still like to hear from you and have you
let us know what you think. Please do this by sending your
contribution to our Info Hot Line e-mail address below with a subject
line of "Guestbook contribution". We will look it over, and if
it is legitimate, we will post it on a new HTML page or on a thread
in our forums constructed for that purpose.
Advertisers - please note - no advertising submitted via our Info Hot Line will
wind up anywhere but in the round file. We don't like being spammed.
The Info Hot Line is meant strictly for our web development staff to hear from
our visitors, contributors, people asking for information from us, and so on.
Keeping this in mind, for those who would like to contact us, please send us an
e-mail at our
Last updated: May 18, 2017